Saturday, April 7, 2018

NBA Player LeBron James And Alabama Football Coach Nick Saban Squabble Over Copyright; Above The Law, April 5, 2018

Krista L. Cox, Above The Law; NBA Player LeBron James And Alabama Football Coach Nick Saban Squabble Over Copyright

"[LeBron] James may be trying to assert protection over the idea of a series filming a conversation with sports stars in a barbershop. The problem here, of course, is that a very basic understanding of copyright involves recognition of the idea/expression dichotomy. Although a rightholder can hold copyright over the expression of an idea, he cannot copyright the idea itself. Not even all expression is protectable, since there may be a limited way to express a set of facts, for example. Talking in a barbershop is not only a non-protectable idea under copyright, but it’s not even a unique idea.

Talking in a barbershop is so common that Hollywood basically made a movie about it, entitled Barbershop. And then made two more sequels. Plus a spinoff called Beauty Shop. While there may be more to James’ claim, if his position really is that his idea is copyrightable, well, he’s unlikely to find a sympathetic judge."

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