Showing posts with label Kānaka Maoli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kānaka Maoli. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Native Hawaiian Intellectual Property Working Group convenes inaugural meeting; The Maui News, June 27, 2024

The Maui News; Native Hawaiian Intellectual Property Working Group convenes inaugural meeting

"On June 24, the Native Hawaiian Intellectual Property Working Group (NHIPWG) comprised of experts in native Hawaiian law, indigenous intellectual property, and cultural practitioners held its first meeting at the Hawai’i State Capitol.

The working group was established following the adoption of HCR108 by the House of Representatives in 2023. This resolution urged the creation of a nine-member working group to study policies and legislation concerning native Hawaiian intellectual property. Representative Darius K. Kila, who introduced HCR108, explained that the formation of the group represents efforts to protect the intellectual property rights of Kānaka Maoli, as well as their cultural expressions, language, and art form."