Showing posts with label ghostwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghostwriting. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

R.O. Kwon on writing in the age of A.I.; The Ink, September 8, 2024

The Ink; R.O. Kwon on writing in the age of A.I.

"What exactly are A.I.s doing when they churn out words? When they ghostwrite our notes and letters, summarize our news, and maybe take over the jobs of those writing the news in the first place — are they writing?

The novelist R.O. Kwon — author of two novels, The Incendiaries and Exhibit, both deeply concerned not just with language but with the way language is rooted in the very human experiences of faith and love and sex and being in a body — doesn’t think so. For Kwon, a writer is a person who writes — that is, a human in a body, who struggles with language. And, in her typically crystal-clear fashion, she made this point the other day in a series of posts."