Showing posts with label trademark litigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trademark litigation. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Decade In Trademark Litigation; Above The Law, January 28, 2020

Gaston Kroub, Above The Law;

The Decade In Trademark Litigation

"Considering that we are starting a new decade while continuing to face such questions as “Are We Running Out of Trademarks?,” I thought it would be a good idea to first look at what existing trademark owners did with the trademarks they had last decade. If only because that is easier to quantify for a practitioner than existential challenges to the “assumption that there exists an inexhaustible supply of unclaimed trademarks that are at least as competitively effective as those already claimed.” The latter issue is in the capable hands of Professors Beebe (who I was lucky enough to take Trademarks with in law school) and Fromer, who along with their academic colleagues have contributed mightily to our understanding of where trademark law can and may be going in the near future. But my aims for this column are more prosaic, because I think there is still a lot we can learn from looking at the decade past at a macro level, especially in as fragmented a field as trademark litigation."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Examining Trump's History: The New President And Trademark Rights; Forbes, 11/10/16

Jess Collen, New York Times; Examining Trump's History: The New President And Trademark Rights:
"What does Mr. Trump’s history of trademark litigation foretell? We’ve made an extensive examination of lawsuits filed, administrative challenges in the Trademark Office, and Trump’s history of trademark registration ownership.
Two of the things about Donald Trump which have become legendary are his love of the “Trump” brand, and his love of litigation. What do his trademark lawsuits and registrations foretell about the course of trademark law in this country for the next four years?"