Adi Gaskell, Huff Post; Ireland Opens E-Health Open Data Portal
"I’ve written extensively about the growing importance of data in healthcare in the past year, and it’s pleasing to see that changes are slowly beginning to emerge in the sector.
The latest of these comes from Ireland, where an open data portal has been launched by eHealth Ireland. The portal aims to bring together some 300 different open data sources into one place, making it easier to find data from across the Irish Health Sector...
The data itself is open, free and reusable, and the project is a key part of the Public Service Reform agenda. It is wrapped up in the Open Health Data Policy, which aims to provide a framework for the accessibility and availability of open data in the Irish health system.
The project follows a number of clearly defined Open Health Data Principles that are designed to support the health service in the provision of better patient care and in the support of new innovations in the sector, all whilst ensuring that patient data is secured and governed appropriately."
Don't be fooled by potentially misleading offers and notices from private companies
Some trademark applicants and registrants have paid fees to private companies, mistakenly thinking they were paying fees required by the USPTO. We do not endorse any of these private companies and you are not required to use them.
Keep reading for information on potentially misleading offers and notices—also called solicitations—and how to identify them. You can also watch our "Solicitation Alert" video below.
On this page:
- Trademark Information Network News Video: Solicitation Alert
- What is a trademark-related solicitation?
- What kinds of trademark-related services do private companies offer?
- How can I tell the difference between potentially misleading trademark offers and notices and legitimate USPTO emails and notices?
- Are the deadlines in these offers and notices accurate?
- I received a misleading trademark offer or notice. What should I do?
- Do you have any examples of potentially misleading offers or notices?"